D Corona contains Swarna Bhasma which accelerates the healing of fractures by supporting the delicate, healthy equilibrium.

Key Ingredients:
Swarna Bhasma

Some people experience post covid conditions even though most of them get better within weeks of illness. Post covid conditions are health problems that people experience four or more weeks after first being infected with Covid-19.  Post covid conditions can happen to anyone who has had Covid-19. People who have had a severe illness, mild illness, or if they had no initial symptoms can undergo post covid conditions.

Key Benefits:

  • The fundamental approach of Ayurveda in any infection is to support and empower the body’s innate processes to deal with the challenges posed by infecting organisms.The human body is incredibly evolved and intelligent than any virus. And to state the obvious, when fit and in good shape, we will beat any virus 100 times out of 100. But the sad truth is that most of us are neither fit nor in good shape.And Covid 19 is no normal virus. Once thought to be a pathogen that primarily attacks the lungs, it has turned out to be a much more formidable foe – impacting nearly every major organ system in the body. And there is no proven cure yet. So lets not leave anything to chance. The rational way to go, is to improve our immunity and fitness and stay away from the virus, till we have a reliable cure.



D Corona contains Swarna Bhasma which accelerates the healing of fractures by supporting the delicate, healthy equilibrium.

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